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BUT I GOT TO KNOW ARE YOU DOING ANY STUDYING????? KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK & I LOVE YOU.TELL ALL YOUR PEEPS PEACE & MAKE YOUR PARENTS PROUD. AS ALWAYS KEEP YOUR HEAD TO THE SKY. DAD Date: 26 Sep 2001 Time: 21:41:46 Remote User: - Comments Hey J, Luv your website. But, why are there no pics of ME, the woman who carried you for nine and a half months? Don't 18 hours of labor count for anything? Seriously, I luv what you've done.Study hard.

Mom Date: 01 Oct 2001 Time: 18:00:38 Remote User: - Comments this is very cool rodney and i will have to get you some pictures of you me and megan for the college life Love Mallory Date: 05 Oct 2001 Time: 01:10:20 Remote User: - Comments tito, you know you are the ugliest jackson that jermaine has got nothing on you. Mike is a concieted son of a bitch, janet is hot too. Your dad is an ass.