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Backgrounds: Justicia gendarussa Burm.f. Has been known to have anti-HIV activity. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of incubation time on the antiviral activity of the J. Gendarussa leaves extract on HIV-infected MT-4 cells in vitro.

Molecular docking test was also conducted to determine the interaction of alkaloids and flavonoids on the J. Gendarussa leaves against HIV-1 reverse transcriptase receptor. It is expected that this research will provide scientific information on the development of J. Gendarussa leaves as an anti-HIV drug. Materials and Methods: In the activity test, the effect of incubation time on the antiviral activity of J. Gendarussa leaves on HIV-infected MT-4 cells were evaluated. During the activity test, a parameter of cytolysis effect inhibition on MT-4 cell line was observed after 4 days and 6 days incubation period.

The molecular docking test is performed by using Molegro Virtual Docker software to determine the interaction of alkaloid and flavonoid compounds of J. Gendarussa leaves with HIV-1 reverse transcriptase receptor. Introduction Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that infects the human immune system. HIV damages the human immune system by destroying T lymphocyte cell (a type of leukocyte).

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On the T lymphocyte cell surface, there is cluster of differentiation 4(CD4) receptor. When a number of T-CD4 lymphocyte cells are low then a person more susceptible to be infected (Pattman et al., 2005). The immune system will break down slowly over the increasing number of viruses (viral load) in the body (Naif, 2013). The final stage of HIV infection is AIDS, a condition when CD4 level decrease to very low level (typically. Plant Materials and Extraction Procedure Leaves of J. Gendarussa were obtained from a cultivated crop in Pacet, Mojokerto, East Java province, Indonesia. This plant was identified by the Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University under the voucher number 18/H3.1.5/DT/2012.

Arteries have less smooth muscles than veins. Why is this so? Arteries contain a greater volume of blood. Arteries are thicker and more elastic than veins. Senior high entrance exam reviewer. Veins return blood to the heart against gravity.

Simplicia powder of J. Gendarussa leaves was divided into two groups: acidified leaves powder to release alkaloids and non-acidified leaves powder. Both the powder was extracted using 70% ethanol for 3x24 hours in a macerator device, and then the resulting filtrate were concentrated using a rotary evaporator. The extract is dried at 50°C a temperature of to obtain a 70% ethanol extract (17.4% w/w) and fractionated-70% ethanol extract (6.4% w/w) of J. Gendarussa leaves. Water extract of leaves of J. Gendarussa is made by blending fresh J.

Download Gratis Farmakope Indonesia edisi V Filetype PDF Sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang No 36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan Pasal 105 “Sediaan Farmasi yang berupa obat dan bahan baku oba. TIADA KEMULIAAN TANPA ISLAM.