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كاتدرائيّة القديس يعقوب في مدينة سيبنيك تشكّل كاتدرائيّة القديس يعقوب (1431-1535) في مدينة سيبنيك القائمة على الساحل الدالماتي شهادةً على حلقات التبادل المهمّة التي جرت بين إيطاليا الشماليّة ودالماتيا وتوسكانا بين القرنين الخامس والسادس عشر في حقل فنّ التحف. وتعاقب على العمل في الكاتدرائية المهندسون فرانشيسكو دي جياكونو وجورجيوس ماتاي دالماتيكوس ونيكولو دي جيوفاني فيورنتينو وقد أعدّوا هيكليّةً مبنيّةً بالكامل من الصخر ومن تقنيّات البناء الفريدة من نوعها، خصوصاً بالنسبة إلى قناطر المبنى وقبّته. ويُشكّل شكل الكاتدرائيّة وزينتها، على غرار ذاك الإفريز المزيّن بأحد وسبعين رسماً منحوتاً من نساء ورجال وأطفال، الاندماج الناجح بين الطراز القوطي والنهضة. Source: UNESCO/ERI Description is available under license. Justification for Inscription Criterion (i): The structural characteristics of the Cathedral of St James in Šibenik make it a unique and outstanding building in which Gothic and Renaissance forms have been successfully blended. Criterion ii The Cathedral of St James is the fruitful outcome of considerable interchanges of influences between the three culturally different regions of Northern Italy, Dalmatia, and Tuscany in the 15th and 16th centuries. These interchanges created the conditions for unique and outstanding solutions to the technical and structural problems of constructing the cathedral vaulting and dome.

The building of the Channel Tunnel has been one of Europe’s major projects and a testimony to British-French and public-private sector collaboration. It also covers the fundamentals of rock mechanics. Download the long tunnel john milne pdf. The book addresses not only students but also professionals who are interested to understand the underlying principles and methods and – possibly – to further develop them. Author by: Dimitrios Kolymbas Languange: en Publisher by: Springer Science & Business Media Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 19 Total Download: 262 File Size: 48,7 Mb Description: This book covers not only practical aspects but also the underlying theoretical approaches. However, Eurotunnel’s current financial crisis provides a sobering backcloth for an examination of the British Government’s long-term flirtation with the project, and, in particular, the earlier Tunnel project in the 1960s and early 1970s, which was abandoned by the British Government in 1975.

Criterion iv The Cathedral of St James in Šibenik is a unique testimony to the transition from the Gothic to the Renaissance period in church architecture.

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