Winbond 25q32 Programmator

Winbond 25q32 Programmator 4,2/5 4007 reviews

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Winbond 25q32 programmer

Hello CodeRush. Bricking my Asus G73JH as many before me has lead to this forum. Im now looking into this cheap programmer(CH341A), but i cannot download the software/man you've attached. Both chrome and IE says its protecting me from malware or somthing along those lines. Is there another way to share this?(i've tried other sites aswell, all leads to malware protection.) I am currently unsuccessful reading my winbond w25q32bv chip using a rashberry pi and flashrom. Corte certo plus cracked servers.

I belive that flashrom should support my chips series, so i've ordered 3 new aftermarket chips of same model. I've connected all the pins, including /wp and /hold which gets 3.3v. Do you think getting one of these would be better than using flashrom/rpi? Hi, I bought an CH341A off of Amazon along with a blank Winbond W25Q64BV and transferred my bios serial and mac info using f4editor onto a fresh bios ver 3603 for the Asus P8z68 Deluxe Gen1 board.

PonyProg: a powerful but simple serial device programmer with a GUI framework for Linux and Windows.

I then plugged the bios chip into the socket of the CH341A just like in the illustration on the CH341A programmer tool and was able to verify chip type and erase chip, load image then program the chip BUT Verify fails and says contents don't match. I could even backup the burned image onto a file and read it correctly using the f4editor. Think this chip is safe to use?

Note: My original bios chip is in perfect condition still in the motherboard. Just trying to learn how to flash these things for fun.

Got to say though first time I inserted chip into sp341a backwards on wrong end. Possible chip is burned? @coderush Do you think cause the bios chip was blank there's some regions not getting flashed? I used hex edit to do a file compare on the original bios file pre-burn and after-burn and certain parts did not match.

Thanks again! I did that and ran a file compare in hex edit and some parts did not match. Also the bios file for a Z68 is a bin file and doesn't have a capsule.

First time I placed the chip in the ch341 I think it was in the wrong slot as I did it like the dream pro video posted a few posts back. After a write time out I realized it was placed incorrectly in the '24' slot instead of the '25' labeled slot after which writing to it had no issues.

I think that certain parts aren't being written to cause its a virgin unwritten blank chip. Thanks Oh later next week I'll try using the motherboard to hot flash it instead.