Contoh Naskah Dialog Drama 6 Orang Percakapan Bahasa Sunda Untuk

Contoh Naskah Dialog Drama 6 Orang Percakapan Bahasa Sunda Untuk 4,8/5 5110 reviews

Fendi: Hey, Guys. Don’t you think kids these days are completely different from kids in our times? Anisa: What is so different?

Nabilah: I agree with you, time flies, now we won’t see a lot of kids do things like we did when we were at their age. Ragil: Indeed! We are kids of 90’s. Kids these days won’t feel the excitements like we did as kids. Tomy: Yeah, today’s kids are really spoiled. They are busy with their up-to-the-minute gadgets. They don’t even have their good times outside their couches.

Fendi: You’re right! When we were at their ages, we do all sorts of fun outside; we played with dirt, we had fun in the woods, we climbed trees. Those golden childhood times make me want to be a fresh child again. Anisa: But, don’t you all think that those kinds of gadgets kids have nowadays really provide all sorts of excitements? Nabilah: That’s not the point, Anisa. Today’s gadgets may really give all sorts of pleasure for them, but those things would bring bad effects for their health mentally and physically.

Ragil: That’s true. Kids these days don’t go outside to see awesome things that they will never find on their sophisticated gadgets. They will never find the excitements like going for an adventure with friends, exploring new places, discovering things, learning to cooperate and help each other, and playing with the nature. They don’t feel the experience of getting sweaty after playing all day long outside.

That’s all what a kid does! Tomy: That’s so right, Ragil. By playing outside and getting sweaty and tired, you will be a healthier child than those who sit whole day on couch playing with the latest game consoles, internets, or smart phones. Fendi: Today’s kids are also known with their poorness of socialization ability. It’s because of their times that they spend with their gadgets at their home than playing with their fellows outside.

Anisa: Uh, you are right. It’s true that today’s kids are really different from us as kids years ago. This conversation recalls my past memories when I was still innocent as a cute little boy. I remember I ever made a little wooden-made quarter with my childhood friends as a place for us to get on together. Anisa: Me too, now I feel like I want to be a child again.

Contoh Naskah Dialog Drama 6 Orang Percakapan Bahasa Sunda Untuk

I still even remember the place like hills, trees, lakes, that I and my little friends used to play together on. Trickorscript crack windows. Nabilah: Playing outside is so-much fun. I hope today’s kids find it out. Ragil: Yeah, in the future, I won’t allow my kids staying a whole day at home with their gadgets. They should feel the experience of 90’s kids games.

Contoh skrip drama yang dimainkan oleh 6 orang. Drama kali ini mengisahkan sebuah kejadian dimana seorang pelajar menemukan sebuah barang dimana isinya berupa sejumlah uang.

Contoh naskah drama bahasa sunda untuk 6 orang ini termasuk dalam kategori drama Naskah drama basa. Teks dialog percakapan bahasa inggris 2 orang. Contoh Naskah Dialog Drama 6 Orang Percakapan Bahasa Sunda Sehari. 1/4/2018 0 Comments. Drama bahasa sunda untuk 6 orang pemain NYADAR KARENA HUKUM Tokoh: 1.

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