Libreoffice Hardware Acceleration

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Instrukciya po remontu i ekspluatacii tojota hajlender. Stephan Bergmann 2015-02-16 16:50:36 UTC When configmgr is asked to change a finalized value via xNameReplace->replaceByName( OUString('ForceSafeServiceImpl'), makeAny(!_bEnabled) ); in CanvasSettings::EnabledHardwareAcceleration (cui/source/options/optgdlg.cxx) it throws a css::lang::IllegalArgumentException in configmgr::Access::checkFinalized (configmgr/source/access.cxx) that is apparently not handled properly. The Options dialog appears to handle the possibility of the underlying configuration value being finalized for only a few of the configuration values exposed through the dialog. One example is m_pFileDialogCB/m_pFileDlgROImage in OfaMiscTabPage (also cui/source/options/optgdlg.cxx), which is supposed to show a lock and disable the checkbox of 'Use LbireOffice dialogs' when the underlying configuration value is finalized. Copyright information: Please note that all contributions to The Document Foundation Bugzilla are considered to be released under the, unless otherwise specified. Source code form contributions such as patches are considered to be modifications under the.

User Interface Graphics Output Scaling: 100% 3. Use hardware acceleration Icon. View options for LibreOffice applications Mouse positioning Specifies if.

'LibreOffice' and 'The Document Foundation' are registered trademarks of their corresponding registered owners or are in actual use as trademarks in one or more countries. Their respective logos and icons are also subject to international copyright laws. Use thereof is explained in our.

In trying to test connect to the Oracle DB using this driver, I keep getting a 'Failed: Service Connection Error'. Oracle 11g odbc driver for windows 7 32 bit free download. So I downloaded and installed what appeared to be an appropriate one from Oracle: (ODBC Driver for Rdb). Has anyone been able to download and install an ODBC for Win 7 and successfully connect to Oracle? It did not come with an ODBC driver for Oracle.

Share this story • • • The makers of LibreOffice are teaming up with AMD so that the open source office suite can take greater advantage of graphics processing units (GPUs). The partnership is geared toward optimization for AMD's upcoming Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA), but LibreOffice developers say their work will make spreadsheets go faster for users of just about any type of computer. The news, announced today, was spurred by AMD joining the Document Foundation board—the group behind LibreOffice—and providing financial assistance. 'We traditionally had a big performance problem in Calc [the LibreOffice spreadsheet application] for large data sets,' Michael Meeks, LibreOffice developer and distinguished engineer for Attachmate's SUSE business unit, told Ars.

'My hope is we not only eliminate that problem but that we do significantly better.' LibreOffice has not generally been able to take advantage of the horsepower in GPUs, Meeks said; AMD's HSA helps address this problem. 'HSA is an innovative computing architecture that enables CPU, GPU, and other processors to work together in harmony on a single piece of silicon by seamlessly moving the right tasks to the best suited processing element,' the Document Foundation said in an announcement. 'This makes it possible for larger, more complex applications to take advantage of the power that has traditionally been reserved for more focused tasks.' LibreOffice's development team is refactoring the core of Calc to take advantage of HSA in AMD's GPUs and APUs (accelerated processing units). LibreOffice's spreadsheet calculations have generally been 'done in a very unfortunate way, with huge amounts of redundant and repetitive work done right inside the most time critical piece,' Meeks said. In the new setup, LibreOffice will change the order of calculations to make them more efficient and will convert tasks into so they can be run on GPUs.