Radionic Software Programs

Radionic Software Programs 4,9/5 4963 reviews

Has anyone had any success with using radionics software as opposed to using a physical radionics box? Lately I have been testing two different radionics programs. I seem to have had some success with one. Otveti na testi seagull river.

Like our other software programs, Manifestation Basic is an orgone radionics program. It must be used with a Welz Chi generator with an orgonite powered core. The program is connected to the device via a structural linkage system consisting of a unique transfer diagram that is placed on the device and imported digitally into the radionics software program. 1) The NEW Digital Radionic Software + 2) Digital Radionics and MultiRadionics 3) Bach Flower Radionics 4) Radionic cards 5) Radionic rate tester 6) Radionic rate calculator 7) Radionic tones We're collectively offering you a complete bundle of all radionic programs including 3d radionics, and all programs of actual radionic set.

It seems rather unlikely that it was a coincidence, however, because I treated my dog who has had a rash on his back for quite some time. I input 'heal skin' into the trend box and have ran the program for several hours a day for a few days and his skin seems to be getting better. Now it has almost totally cleared up, which is amazing because we have not done any other treatment on him and the rash has been persistent and not cleared up on its own for several months. The two programs that I have been experimenting with are Digital Radionics and EasyRAD. Anyone else had any success with radionics software, and if so, which ones? Also, any tips on techniques you have used that you have gotten good results with would be greatly appreciated as well. I get results with Cybershaman 8 (free) though still a newbie in terms of making the most out of it.

From discussing with Ernie, CS actually *does* something in the background, versus some other programs (like those from W***) which could just be displaying graphics. Ernie wrote another software called the Magnetron. I haven't tried it yet, but know people who did. It was so potent that users could *feel* when the software was running.

Radionic Software Programs

I've just started using Easy RAD. It's simpler to use than CS and looks promising. The difference in taste when charging water is definitely noticeable.

I haven't used Digital Radionics so can't comment. Thanks for the reply. Sorry I am getting back so late.

I have not visited this forum in awhile and kind of forgot about it until tonight because I have something pressing I am trying to manifest using radionics software, and redownloading the program reminded me of this place. Since I am a bit of a newbie myself, could you explain to me how the taste differs in the water after you charge it with EasyRAD?